Service Ministries
Emergency Food Cupboard
Our purpose is to serve and nurture the needs of the community by providing food.
Evangelism Ministry
Our purpose is to plan, develop, coordinate and maintain educational activities of all ministries including teaching ministries to reach out and seek to win souls to Christ; to encourage continuous crusades; to supervise the development of year-round evangelistic educational events; to develop and sustain prayer for increased soul winning.
Hospitality Ministry
Our purpose is to extend heartfelt greetings to visitors and friends that enter into His gates while creating a positive and warm first impression.
Ministry of Prayer
The mission of the chaplains and prayer warriors is to pray for all in need with togetherness and for a period of time until the changes come. During the day, in the afternoon and at night, at a designated time, members of the Chaplains and Prayer Warriors will pray for any person and any situation.
Missionary Ministry
Our purpose is to aid and assist the church in reaching the sick and needy; to visit the sick and shut in; to pray for those in need; to assist other ministries as needed (funerals, etc.); to seek salvation of the lost by ministering to them as the Holy Spirit leads.
Mothers Ministry
Our purpose is to aid and assist the youth in the church and the community in all activities in an attempt to glorify God and draw the youth and their families to Christ.
Nurses Ministry
Our purpose is to render first aid services to the church and the community.
Pastor’s Aide
Our purpose is to give special aid to the Pastor and his family.
Scholarship MinistryOur purpose is to stimulate interest in higher education and provide financial assistance based on need for the youth of the church who are planning to enter college or other institution.
Senior Advocacy Ministry
Our purpose is to advocate, assist, offer referrals, and provide information pertaining to available services for senior citizens and their caregivers in the Philadelphia area.
Our purpose is to maintain church unity by sharing, caring and helping the membership in building God’s Kingdom. We also engage the church and church leaders in connecting to each individual member in their sheepfold.
Sound Ministry
Our purpose is to serve God, through Second Macedonia, by operating and maintaining the sound systems and do so in such a manner that our presence is not known.
Trustee’s Aide
Our purpose is to provide assistance to trustees in the improvement of the church as needed.
Ushers Ministry
Our purpose is to enhance the comfort of the worshippers by greeting, seating, and overseeing their movement and needs during service.
This ministry consist of:
- Adult Ushers
- Junior Ushers
- Ladies Auxiliary
- Male Ushers
- Senior Ushers
- Youth Ushers